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Sr. No | Vendor | Exam Code | Exam Name | Update |
1 | Scrum | SAFe-Agilist | Leading SAFe 6.0 Agilist | 27-01-2025 |
2 | Python Institute | PCEP-30-02 | Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer | 28-01-2025 |
3 | Databricks | Databricks-Certified-Associate-Data-Engineer | Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate | 26-01-2025 |
4 | Cisco | 200-301 | Cisco Certified Network Associate CCNA v1.1 | 28-01-2025 |
5 | Microsoft | PL-300 | Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analyst Associate | 28-01-2025 |
6 | Microsoft | AZ-900 | Microsoft Azure Fundamentals | 26-01-2025 |
7 | Microsoft | MB-820 | Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Business Central Developer Associate | 28-01-2025 |
8 | Palo Alto Networks | PCNSE | Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer PAN-OS 11.0 Version | 28-01-2025 |
9 | Scrum | SPC | SAFe Program Consultants (SPC) 6.0 | 27-01-2025 |
10 | Splunk | SPLK-1002 | Splunk Core Certified Power User | 26-01-2025 |
11 | Associate-Cloud-Engineer | Google Cloud Engineer Associate | 27-01-2025 |
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