Welcome GenuineDumps!


All the products provided by us have the guarantee in multiple ways. The products designed by GenuineDumps have the abilities to resolve all the problems that most of the applicants face.

For building trust in our customers, we have also showcased the demo of all of our products. Our candidates can check the demo of all the products and then decide whether to purchase the products or not.

We are confident about the products we have released and these products will help you pass any certification examination you are undergoing.

Another most important thing that our customers love about us is that we provide money back guarantee on all the products we have. If you have been using our products and we are failed to deliver the results promised, then you can get the full refund.

When it comes to providing a guarantee, then you must note that we provide the products as per advertisement. If you are finding them different from the advertised demos, then you can always get your money back as we only believe in fair work. Our experts have developed these products with a vision of providing useful study material to all of our applicants. We provide a guarantee that you will be able to pass the exam by using our products.

How to get a refund?

If you are unsatisfied with our products, and you want a refund for it, then there is a simple procedure that you will have to follow:

  • Attach the scanned copy of enrollment slip for the certification you are enrolled in.
  • Also, attach the copy of your result in the exam.
  • Make sure that you are contacting us with the order number of the product.
  • Also, state your name and the payment method that you have used.
  • Send us an email at support@genuinedumps.com

Note our policy for refunds

We do provide money back guarantee on our products in specific conditions. We care about our customers and we have set up few rules to avoid scamming.

  • Applicants must have used our study material for 7 days for the preparation of a specific exam.
  • Applicant should not have skipped the examination.
  • We will take the responsibility if the faulty product has been delivered by us.
  • Your purchase date must be within the last 90 days to apply for the refund.
  • We do not provide guarantees for the online exams without any proctor.
  • We do not provide money back guarantee for the retired exams.